Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Favorites

Not too much going on here. Just playing lots and lots these days. The pantry is baby girl's current favorite spot in the house. Please excuse all the junk stuffed in there with her!

We are loving getting into the fall season even if the cooler weather is not quite here yet. The 80s seem much better than the 90s or 100 degree temps. Caroline's mother's morning out at church began a couple weeks ago which means I have a little peace and quiet every Tuesday. And it means I can share with you some things I have been loving lately.

1. Palmetto Pimento Cheese. I didn't even think I liked pimento cheese until I tried this stuff.
It is the perfect little snack with a few crackers.
2. You can thank my friend, Danielle for this find: J.Crew Online Outlet
Yes, you read that right. J.Crew now has an online store for their outlet stuff, but you can only shop on the site on weekends. Check it out!

3. FNL. John and I are addicted to this show and have been most of the summer. We just started watching season 4. Think small town high school football and a little drama and this is your show. Plus Coach Taylor (below) is about the cutest thing on television.
4. Literally, a spoonful
Check out this recipe blog. I do not know who this girl is or how I came across the blog but she has some great recipes. The chicken delight and crock pot bbq are wonderful! I am currently looking for something on it to make tonight too.

That is all for now. Happy day to you folks!


  1. I just had to write and tell you A. I found your blog through Belen J. B. The main picture of Caroline in the basket is absolutely breathtaking. C. I have a little girl close to C's age, (born 9/30) so I'm excited to follow your little girl growing up as well if you don't mind me reading your blog!!

  2. I love that pimento cheese too! Yummmy! Hope we get to see you guys soon!! Oh, and absolutely ADORABLE photo of Caroline in the basket!
