Monday, September 27, 2010


11 months old and pretty excited about it!

C is into everything and pretty close to walking but I think we still have a month or so. She is on the same sleep schedule: naps 1 hour in the am, 2.5 to 3 hours in the afternoon and 11-12 hours at night. Lately, some are her favorite foods are black beans and mandarin oranges (not necessarily together). Caroline is very outgoing and talkative at home but she tends to be very shy anywhere in public. I am curious to see if her personality will stay this way or if this is just a phase right now. She is in love with her little red car and wants to ride in it all day. C loves to play with John and follow him around. She literally lights up when he gets home. She tends to now say Maaa instead of mama. Makes me sound like an old grandma. She refuses to wear bows in her hair. The minute you put it in she immediately pulls it out.

Other new things:
-twirling her hair when sleepy or taking a bottle
-closing doors
-giving a high five
-growling (like an Auburn tiger, of course)
-pointing to someone else's eyes
-climbling all the steps

Cannot believe our sweet girl will be 1 in just a few weeks.


  1. She's really growing up! Love the smocked dress-precious. She looks so much like you, Leigh!

  2. Wow she is so beautiful, Leigh! I can't believe she'll be 1 in a few weeks either. Time flies! I'm glad y'all are doing well.
