Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It's a BOY!

John "Duncan" Phelps 
was born Monday, May 20 at 11:11am
7lbs 15oz and 21in.  

We are so in love with our little man!  

Here is a little recap of the day Duncan arrived. 
This is Monday morning about 8:15am.  Mom was already in town (thank goodness)!  While I was making the girls breakfast I started to feel some contractions about every 10 mins.  When we took this pic I had only had about 3-4 and had not even called John to come home from work.  I think I was a little in denial that I was actually in labor.  

Soon after this picture, we put Annie down for a nap, C started watching Sesame Street and I went to pack my bags as the contractions continued.  And I did call John to come home!
John got home about 9 and mom snapped a quick picture in between contractions.  We headed for the hospital about 9:15.  At that point, my contractions were every 6-7 mins.  

Checked into the hospital about 9:45am.  John sweetly tried to tell the L&D nurses I have pretty fast labors (aka speed this up lady).  She didn't really "get it" until I told her my L&D nurse with Annie delivered Annie because the doctor didn't make it to the room in time.  Needless to say, they got things going pretty quickly after that and the on call doctor did not go very far.    

I had just enough time to get my epidural and let it set in. 
Then, baby brother arrived at 11:11am - exactly 3 hours after I had been playing in the playhouse with the girls.  Not exactly what I was expecting for the day, but a wonderful surprise! 

We were also pretty shocked to hear, "It's a boy!" 
I think we just assumed girl since that is all we knew.  It still feels surreal sometimes to say, he, him, boy, etc.  

Below are a few more pics from Duncan's first day and meeting some family.  




Aunt Josephine

Little baby blue hat...I still love seeing blue around our house! 

Big sisters! 

The girls were really excited!  Especially Caroline as she had been saying for about a month that the baby was for sure going to be a boy.  She said she really wanted a brother because she already had a sister.  She is still in love with him and loves knowing exactly where he is at all times and what he is doing.  Annie has been a trooper and not really missed a beat.  Most of the time, she is oblivious and the rest of the time, she just yells "baby!" when she hears him cry or doesn't know where he is.   

These pics were also some of my favorite from the hospital.  It was a bit chaotic in the that small room keeping both girls entertained and not running around like crazy.  

It is still chaotic at home (and will continue to be, I'm sure), but thankfully we have a little more space to give each other! 

In the next post, I will put up pictures of our first couple weeks at home so far.