Monday, March 15, 2010


There are ALOT of baby gear,products, books, blogs, etc out there. These are a couple of my absolute favorites!! On many days, they truly are lifesavers. To me, these are must haves that you will not always know about or find as easily.

1. Praise Baby DVDs. These are awesome! They are 30 mins of soothing praise and worship music with video of babies, nature, shapes, animals, etc. It is so calming especially during the "witching" hour in the evening. I don't want Caroline watching TV much but I love these for while I am cooking dinner or just need a quiet moment. Go to to order some.
2. Moms On Call book. This is seriously genius for moms out there like me. I did not know anything about babies (and still learning daily) before Caroline was born. A friend recommended this book and service to me. Basically, it is two moms in Atlanta who are also pediatric nurses and all they do is help moms! They love the Lord and love their calling as mothers. You can do consultations with them, online classes, or just order the book if you want. Caroline could be their poster child because she has followed everything they advise. And trust me, I love my child but it is not because of anything she is doing it is because these ladies know what they are talking about! Check out their website:
3. The BOB. The is the best stroller. There is an infant attachment piece you can buy separately and put the carrier in it for when your baby is too young to sit up. I did not (and still don't) want my house to fill up with all baby junk. So, when looking for a stroller I didn't want to have to spend money on two different ones or have to store two strollers somewhere (one for C to use as an infant and one to use later). Thankfully, someone before me already thought of this and created the Bob. John is a big runner and he made sure we had this ready for when Caroline arrived. I will say it is pricey but worth it if you love to run and walk. We use it everyday and sometimes twice a day.

4. This is my favorite go to website. I did not read babywise, but this is a great website for any questions you may have about your baby. The labels on the right hand side cover any topic you could think of. It is nice to read others advice and experiences. I love to learn from others and it is nice to read that what your baby does is normal so you don't call the nurse all the time!
On another note, my mom is here this week for her spring break! It is such a wonderful treat to have her extra hands to help and her company all week long! With her here, I might actually blog more than once this week!


  1. Caroline is such a cutie!! I was updating my blog so I jumped on yours. I love seeing pics of her and hearing of your journey in Motherhood - what a wonderful, humbling grace is given to us, huh?

  2. ditto on the first three!!! could not live without them! now maybe i have a new blog to check out! hope you 3 are doing great!!!
