Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Friday was Caroline's 5 month birthday. She is at a fun stage and I feel like she is learning new things every week. I am loving watching her learn and change. Here is a little of what the munchkin is into these days:

-sleeps a solid 12 hours at night (7:30-7:30)
-has the most precious giggle!
-went through a small separation anxiety (from me and John) phase...I think it has passed for now.
-Still only nursing/using bottles lots. Eats 5 times a day.
-Plan to start a few solids soon
-Naps are slowly getting a little better (fingers crossed)!

-to smile!
-to stare at new people (especially kids and other babies)
-grabs/reaches for anything
-being outside
-the stroller
-being awake all day

-when I leave the room
-tummy time


  1. Caroline is so adorable Leigh. That's a pretty dress she has on in the picture. I'm glad y'all are doing well.

  2. She looks just like a babydoll!! Give her kisses for us!

  3. Oh Leigh. She is precious. I can't wait to meet her. She looks so much like you!
