Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lindsey and Blake

This weekend we celebrated Lindsey and Blake. I have known Lindsey as long as I can remember. Lindsey (and Anna) are the like little sisters to me. The 3 of us have endless memories playing dolls, sleepovers, swimming together all summer, talking about boys, riding to school together, Auburn, sorority, and many many lunch dates. I have loved watching Lindsey fall in love with Blake over the last 2 years. And it was a honor to stand beside her this weekend. We do not all have many opportunities to be together now and so I have loved seeing them so much in October.
Bachelorette weekend
Bridesmaids luncheon
Mom and her friends host the best bridesmaids luncheons

Isn't she beautiful?
Of course, we all transported in Barb's mini-van!

Congrats Lindsey and Blake!


  1. Is that Mrs. Seay in the picture with your mama?! I haven't seen her in forever. Next time you see them tell them I said hello!! Love the new blog layout :)

  2. sorry for the delayed comment, but this made me so happy!! i loved the pictures. thank you for being part of our wedding- and for your friendship for so many years. love you lele!
