Friday, February 26, 2010


Months, that is. I have been taking a picture of Caroline each month in the same place to see how she is growing and changing. I have also been writing down little things she likes, dislikes, etc. I need to document it on here for myself before I loose the pieces of paper! I am already starting to forget little things in the beginning. So, I am sorry if this is boring to everyone but me and my mom.

1 Month
9lbs 11oz and 22.25 in.

-sleeps about 5-6 hour stretch at night
-beginning to coo
-first smile
-fussy in the evenings
-can focus on objects/people upclose

-being swaddled
-to look at lights or anything bright or contrasting colors

-the carseat, bouncey, and swing

2 Months
11 lbs 9oz and 24.25 in.

-sleeps 8-9 hours at night
-makes eye contact
-smiles more consistently

-bath time
-being swaddled

-carseat, bouncey, swing

3 Months

(Don't know her stats here since we only go to the dr. every 2 months now)

-sleeps 11-12 hours at night
-can see much farther distances
-sucks her fingers all the time
-no swaddle
-takes about 3 short naps
-smiles lots

-to stare at anything – especially people and the aisles in the grocery store
-stroller/going for walks
-carseat, bouncey and swing (finally)!
-to coo and make noises

-nap time

4 Months
13 lbs 7oz and 25.25 in.

-rubs her eyes when sleepy
-sucks her thumb now too
-scratches face (have to cut fingernails at least twice a week)
-rolled over from tummy to back

-to look at hands and feet
-touch things
-Praise Baby
-being held

-Tummy time


  1. are you kidding?! I LOVE knowing these things about her. TOO CUTE! she is getting sooo big, way too fast!

  2. Hey Leigh, I did not realize our girls were 3 days apart! Abby is not wanting to nap now either. She gets in her bed and talks or cries until I come and get her. When she does fall asleep it is only for about 30 minutes. We are getting weary! Hope that she starts napping soon. She is precious.
