Friday, August 30, 2013

Annie 20 months

Felt like it was time for some baby sister attention.  Annie is 20 months now (well, getting closer to 21 now).  She is spunky, loud, fun, friendly, decisive, independent, adventurous, so laid back and keeps us laughing daily.

If you ask her how old she is, she will always say 2 and has been saying that since at least 18 months.  She loves to talk and is learning new words daily.  She is just starting to try and put words together.  Here is what she puts together so far...
"I turn"
"I get"
"I come"
"Hey mommy"
"I don't know"
"Thank you"
"Mommy up"

She loves to swim.  These sunglasses are her "goggles" as she calls them.  

She is a pretty good eater.  Likes meats more than Caroline ever has, but otherwise eats very similar.

She has a little problem with going poo-poo in the tub.  :) Something about the water makes her need to go (she is not going to the bathroom in the this bath pic below though).

She loves to get into mischief or do things she is not supposed to do when I am feeding Duncan.  She knows I am occupied.

She is IN LOVE with shoes.  If you come to our house and take your shoes off, you can find them on Annie's feet.

She loves to "help"  A couple other favorite phrases, " I help" and "I hold"  Incase, you have not noticed we have got the "I" (possessive form) mastered.

She likes messes and likes to get dirty - sand, dirt, rocks, anything will do.  And she loves to eat it too.

She still wants to be the baby sometimes and I am ok with that for now.

She is dramatic, so funny, and can express her emotions.

She can be pretty sweet too.  Being the middle child, she is used to sharing more than C ever was at this age.  

She loves baby brother.  Sometimes she shows that love in the form of kisses and sometimes in the form of not so gentle "pats"

She loves her "Sissy" more than anyone and wants to do everything with her.

Poor girl sleeps anywhere - current short term home for napping and bed is the laundry room.  I know, so sad.  But, she is a trooper.  Her stuff is still all in C's room and that is technically her room too.  We went through some rough patches of sleep with the girls again this summer.  Annie getting teeth, Caroline waking up super early, etc.  They seemed to wake the other up every time and that combined with having a newborn was just too much.  She will go back to her room soon, but in the meantime it is peaceful in our house at night!

She has also just dropped her morning nap between 19-20 months.  Couldn't believe she made it that long, but it was a blessing this summer!

And she is just so darn cute!  A charming little thing for sure.  I am biased, but I think I can say that about her!  We love you Annie boo!!

1 comment:

  1. love to bath your girls mum and have you watch me licking their little bald pu--y's
