Friday, July 29, 2011

21 months

How is this baby girl less than 3 months away from turning 2? I cannot even believe it.  We fall more and more in love with you everyday sweet girl.  

You are so funny.  I love it most of all when you make yourself laugh and say, "silly."
You love to talk.  I know at around 18 months you could say about 50 words and now I cannot keep up.  I think I hear you repeat and try atleast 2-3 new words a day.  
Most of the time you put 2 words together and you try for 3 words a lot. 

You are curious and observant.  You must ask me 15x a day "Is that?" (for what is that?)    

You talk about the new baby lots.  For the first few months you always said the baby was going to be a girl.  Lately, you always say boy.  Clearly and without hesitation.  Your guess is as good as mine!

You love to eat.  You can be picky, but you are pretty good about trying at least one bite of something new.  You call every meal a "nack" (for snack). 

Lately, every morning when you wake up, you say, "colors!" You love to sit at your little table and color with your crayons.

You love to read books.  Sometimes you want to "read" them to us, but most of the time you want us to read to you.  Your favorites are Moon (Goodnight Moon), Yucky (Yummy Yucky), Elmo (Elmo's Animal Alphabet), and Worm (The Very Hungry Caterpillar). 
You are very cautious.  Not a risk-taker.  

I love seeing your imagination come out more and more.  You love to share your snack with your baby dolls, "cooking," and giving your paci to duckie. 

You are very into bracelets and necklaces.  You love to put anything round on your wrist and say, "bacelet."

You love to sing and dance to any music.

I love your sweet curls.  This summer we have started putting your hair in pig-tails and you love it!  The minute I finish you say, "see, see!"  So, you can go and look at them in the mirror.  

Most people say you are a complete blend of me and Daddy - in looks and personality.  We usually think the same.  Sometimes I see myself in pictures and then certain expressions I see all Daddy.  

You are reserved, yet sassy and decisive like me.  And at the same time you are outgoing, inquisitive, and goofy like your Dad.    

I know you are nearing 2 though as we have had to start the beginnings of discipline.  Oh goodness!  The temper tantrums are becoming more common.  We have started time-outs and that seems to work well for you right now.  You are sensitive and I think it hurts your feelings when you get "in trouble" more than anything else. 

Baby girl it is crazy to me you will not be the baby or the only one much longer.  You will always be the first though.  You are so pleasant and such an amazing joy in our lives we could have never imagined.

(Whew.  Didn't mean to write such a long post.  So many changes since my last update on C and I feel like I am forgetting more everyday! Bless you, if you are not my mom and made it through this whole thing)! 


  1. I LOVED reading this! This girl is precious and so loved. Can't wait to meet the next one!!

  2. WOW that was the most precious thing ever!!

  3. so so sweet, leigh! she is just so beautiful!

  4. I literally just got teary reading this. She is growing up so fast, I cannot believe it. Thanks so much for writing this post! I love hearing about all she is up to and how her little personality is developing since I cant see her as much as Id like.
    She really is so precious and beautiful! Miss yall.
