Monday, January 31, 2011

15 months

This baby girl is so fun and constantly making us laugh. She has changed so much in the last three months and I want to make sure I do not forget many things that she is into and doing these days. Caroline is walking all over the place and getting faster each day. That in itself just makes her seem so much older and less baby. She is really into her purse and bracelet (shown below). Lunch boxes and key chains are favorites to pretend with too.

I love to watch her play by herself and begin to use her imagination. She loves the dishwasher She loves to help unload it and close it when it is empty.
C is still a great sleeper. She sleeps with her lovies and paci and soothes herself by twirling her hair. We are still doing a morning nap most days. Some days I think we are getting close to dropping it but most days she still needs it. I am trying to keep it as long as possible too!
Caroline walks into her bathroom saying "teeth" and looking for her toothbrush. She now has 6 teeth. I have to hide the toothbrush during her bath so she doesn't keep asking for it the whole time.
She is so curious how things work. For example, flushing the toilet. Don't worry her hand is not actually all the way in the toilet in this picture.

It amazes me how much Caroline understands when I ask her to do something. Right now, she can only say a handful of words to us... mama, dada, nigh nigh (night night), bye-bye, ball, bebe (baby), teeth, uh-oh, mae-mae (Mimi aka my mom), and car.
Everywhere we go, Caroline waves at everyone. Even if the person is not looking. She is very friendly but still very shy a lot of the time. She has become very cuddly and loves to give hugs and kisses.

Caroline, you bring us so much joy and we love watching you grow and change each day!

15 months.
weight - 20 lbs 11oz.
height - 31 in.

*Sorry for the long post that is really just for me.

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