Thursday, August 19, 2010


The purpose of these posts is to capture the stage Caroline is currently in, what she is doing, and to to help me remember. As I continue them each month I am noticing how different they all are and getting a picture actually sitting still, beside the bunny and sign is next to impossible. But, that is why I love them too. It is a good way to show her personality through the camera.

We are having so much fun with C right now. She crawls like crazy and is pretty fast too. She wants to be standing up all the time. She literally gets so excited and proud of herself when she pulls up onto furniture that she bounces up and down and squeals with excitement. Sleeping schedule is still the same. C is loving table food. I think we are about finished with baby food all together. Her favorite foods include: cheese, peas, carrots, avocado, mac n' cheese, banana, peaches, and corn. Overall, she doesn't like most fresh fruits. I think they are a little too sweet or tangy. She is a talker...just babbles constantly, but she does get quiet immediately in front of other people. She can say/pronouce mama, dada, bye bye, and she also loves to make the lalalala and nahnahnah sounds. Her favorite toy lately is any kind of ball. She also loves playing peek-a-boo and hides her face from you. That is pretty much life with the munchkin right now. I cannot believe we are getting closer and closer to one year!

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