Monday, April 19, 2010


Between wanting to eat the bunny and grab that piece of paper we had a hard time getting a picture this month.

Here are her stats right now:
-Down to 4 bottles a day (about 6-7 oz. each)
-Started eating solids
-Learning to sip water from our sippy cup
-Starting to introduce some formula
-Dare I even say we like to nap now? It's true though! We have been napping morning and afternoon. Sometimes I do not even know what to do with myself it makes the days so heavenly.
-Will have to post weight and height later yet as we do not go for our 6 month dr. appt until next week.

-to roll over and sleep on her tummy
-chew on her toes (seriously!)
-the more fingers or thumb for now
-being outside
-going out to eat with us (loves to watch all the action at a restaurant)

At the grocery store today, I got C a pink and purple balloon. Just staring at the balloons flowing back and forth was entertainment all afternoon. I will spare you and wait until maybe her first birthday to get sappy and emotional about how big she is getting and how fast the time is passing by, but it really is! For whatever reason, six months did seem like a bigger milestone. We had a little family dinner date to our favorite mexican place to celebrate tonight. Really, just a fun excuse to go out and do something different on a Monday night and fun it was!

Happy six months baby girl!

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