Monday, April 12, 2010


Sunday I had the opportunity to be here with my mom

and watch this winning moment. I love me some Phil!

I was also able to go Thursday with some good friends. With school about to end for John and lots of tests and projects approaching he was not able to go this year. He sweetly let me take the tickets and stayed home to work and keep Caroline. I am so grateful for this little time away. It was good to be totally without Caroline. You cannot even take a cell phone in the tournament and I was gone over 12 hours both days. Obviously, I love her to pieces but I am a firm believer that sometimes every mom (and dad) need their time away. Babies require so much that it is easy to become completely engulfed in baby world. I have for sure been guilty of this already. It was great to be completely away and feel like all my attention and focus could be catching up with mom, friends, relaxing, and watching good golf. Whether it is a whole day, a few hours, or overnight these times are good for my spirit. I feel refreshed. These times make me a better mom for Caroline. And I was thrilled to wake her up Monday morning and be back with her again.

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