Monday, May 9, 2011

Easter and so much more...

So much has happened in the last several weeks and I have been glued to the news for most of these events. The devastating tornadoes hit my home state just two weeks ago. The pictures and stories seem completely surreal and hard to even fathom. I have been so heartbroken and sad reading story after story about missing people, those who lost their homes and many who lost their loved ones. I am grateful all of my family and friends were okay and not hurt from these storms, but our prayers continue to be with all the people affected by this tragedy.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden. I guess this is one of those events you will always remember where you were when you heard this news. I was actually in DC visiting C, L, and the babies when John sent me a text to turn on the news. And we all waited and then watch for Obama to confirm this news.
And on a much lighter note, I admit, I was one of those people who got up at 5am to watch this. All I can say is Wow. Totally worth it and I loved every minute. Don't judge.
And onto some of what we have actually been doing besides tracking world events. We had a wonderful Easter in Birmingham this year. Caroline participated in her first Easter Egg Hunt in Crestline. The eggs are not exactly hidden - had to make sure all the little ones could find them!
And she realizes there is something inside the eggs!
We are getting really good at saying cheese for the camera.
After the egg hunt we walked over to the library for story time. We do this a lot at our library so it was fun to go in Bham as well. Then, we met Anne and Jana for lunch at Big Blue. Sadly, I don't have any pictures from either of these things.

After a good nap, we headed to the English's to swim. The English's are my 2nd family and we would swim at their pool all summer growing up. This picture was taken before C really got a good taste of the water. She loved every minute and wanted so badly to take off swimming that I could barely keep her in my arms.
Easter Sunday
Love her sweet little curls
Attempt at a family pic
And an update on my niece, Brooklyn - She has had some great improvements in the last couple weeks. They were able to remove her ventilator last week, the doctors have slowly started her feedings back, and Christian and Linsey were able to hold her again. These were wonderful praises and we continue to pray for her full recovery! Thank you for all your emails, calls, and texts to check on her!

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