Monday, February 21, 2011

Field Trip

I don't mention my work much, but I do work! This job has been such a blessing. I work from home and I work for our church. Therefore, I work with amazing friends I love to be around and I get to be with my munchkin all day too. Although the job is very flexible, the hours are hard to fit in sometimes and it is a crazy balancing act most weeks. I wouldn't trade it for any other job though (at least not in this season of life).

One person I could not do my job without is my father-in-law (also know as Papa to Caroline). Every Wednesday I have a meeting with all the staff since everyone works remotely. Papa is retired and wanted to spend time with Caroline one morning a week. So Wednesday morning is their time together. It is the sweetest thing and I am not sure who loves the time more, but these two are for sure buddies! For Christmas, we gave Papa and Caroline a field trip to the GA Aquarium for one of their mornings together. They took their little outing together a few weeks ago and from all the pictures and videos I have seen from Papa's hip iphone they had a blast together.

Papa, we are so thankful for you!
Here is one picture in front of the penguin exhibit.