Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Her Name

Many of you have been asking how we chose Caroline's name and if it is a family name.
So, here is the background:

John and I both loved the name Caroline - especially John. I am sure he is just a biased dad, but he has been saying all along "If it is a girl, Caroline is just the sweetest name ever." So, I think he was set on this all along. (: However, we actually had two girl names when we went to the hospital and we didn't name her until about an hour or so after she was born. And honestly when we first held her, the name just fit. Our other girl name didn't go with her at all. I know that sounds a little silly but we both saw a Caroline that morning. Turns out it is also a family name on John's side, but we didn't know that until later on.

This one is for sure a family name. After John and I got engaged and we were making our guest list I was reading his list and saw his grandfather's middle name is Pattillo. I was shocked because it is such a rare name, BUT it also happened to be my grandfather's middle name. I know what you are thinking and don't worry - even though both grandfathers are from Atlanta, John and I are not related! My grandfather spelled it Patillo (pronounced the same way). We both loved the name and the uniqueness of it being a family name for both of our maternal grandfathers. So, we always knew we would use this somewhere. We decided to go with the two t's spelling because John's grandfather is still alive.
We feel it is a tribute to both of them though.

Hope everyone is enjoying this very rainy Tuesday! Caroline has slept the day away!

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