I am not really the type person who believes in luck. If I did though, I would not really consider myself a "lucky" person. I have never won a raffle, a game of bingo, a contest on the radio or really anything. However, for some reason I feel I have had "lucky" seats at both Coldplay concerts.
I got John tickets to Coldplay last October for his birthday. We had decent seats but nothing spectacular or up close. We were just thrilled to be at the concert. Little did we know, the band would come out into the audience and play several songs and it just so happened we were about 15 feet away! We could not contain our excitement or believe we were so close!
Round 1- October
So, last night Coldplay came back to Atlanta. To justify going a 2nd time, I bought the really cheap seats in the lawn for $35. I am assuming they will come play again in the audience but I never thought they would come all the way to the back of the lawn. Well, in the middle of a song, I notice a stage crew man come set up a mic about 5 ft. in front of me. I was in disbelief! I felt like such a teeny bopper obsessed fan but it was so worth it!
I took a quick video of Chris Martin singing a Monkees song. Needless to say, I love Coldplay and I love their concerts!