Is it just me or do you feel like I write these monthly post like once a week? The months are going by too fast!
Caroline is now 8 months old and we have had some fun milestones lately.
I am not a huge fan of bows on babies but her hair is out of control these days.

I feel like I should nickname her "Curious Caroline." I get this look often like, "what is that or what's goin on?"

Here is a glimpse of life with C at 8 months:
-4 bottles a day (about 24 oz total)
-baby food 3x a day (cereal and fruit in the morning and veggies for lunch and dinner)
-naps 1-1.5 hours in the morning and 2-3 hours in the afternoon
-sleeps 12 hours at night
-C has 2 teeth now! the two bottom front teeth came at the same time last week
-sits up on her own
-close to crawling - C is rocking back and forth up on her hands and knees but hasn't figured out how to move forward or backward in that position
-to wave bye-bye or hello to people (we started with the full arm wave and she is now trying to figure out only flapping her wrist back and forth)
-pretty much all baby food - cannot get enough of it
-playing on the floor
-swinging at the park
-sitting up and playing in the bathtub
-car keys and cell phones
-when you take a toy away from her
-when I leave the room or she cannot see me anymore
-sitting still to have her diaper or clothes changed