Last week I headed to Birmingham for a few days. I had not been since May and I am trying to do little trips like this while a). John is gone and b). I can still travel. It was a great trip! Actually, made me miss Birmingham in several ways. Not that Birmingham is a small town by any means, but there are so many great things about it that make it seem smaller and more personal than living in the city here. Or maybe you just always feel that way about your home?
My sweet grandmother

Always love seeing Barb and Anna - we missed Lindsey!

A B'ham favorite - I actually went twice for lunch in 3 days. Terrible, I know, but it was glorious!

Dinner with some college and high school friends

My mom has been working hard to clean all me, Matt, and Christian's baby clothes from when we were little. I am really excited about using them soon! She sent me back with both the boy's stuff and mine.

Thanks for letting me come stay for a few days, Mom!